PM’s long standing adviser on Ministerial Standards Sir Alex Allan has resigned, after Priti Patel inquiry found her guilty of bullying but PM allowed her to keep her job. Big big mess for No10 now.
Sir Alex Allan: “I recognise that it is for the PM to make a judgement on whether actions by a Minister amount to a breach of the Ministerial Code. But I feel that it is right that I should now resign from my position as the Prime Minister’s independent adviser on the Code”.
Priti Patel apologises for “my behaviour in the past” when she “at times got frustrated”, but insists none of it intentional. Her statement:
PM effectively overruled Sir Alex Allan, which is why he has resigned. Allan found they that “the Home Secretary had not consistently met the high standards expected of her under the Ministerial Code”. In other words, she breached it.
But PM disagrees. Extenuating circumstances, such as Patel unaware and HO failings too. So, “the Prime Minister’s judgement is that the Ministerial Code was not breached. The Prime Minister has full confidence in the Home Secretary and considers this matter now closed”.
It's all a little reminiscent of the Groucho Marx quote, 'Those are my principles, and if you don't like them, I have others'.
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