1/ This is the big day, after months of vague threats and hundreds of "I won't hesitate" and the admonishment of yahoos and bad actors this is it. Ford gets one chance after all the melodramatic warnings and mad faces. This is his one big card and after he plays it he has nothing
2/ left that anyone will ever take seriously again. I hope he realizes this more than any other day will define his Premiership and any political future he may have. There are no "do-overs", no mulligans; this is his only chance to be taken seriously and get it right.
2/ But he won't. He won't shut down bars, restaurants and retail. He won't close high attack rate businesses, already teetering on the brink of insolvency, and compensate them.
There won't be paid sick leave so ill workers can afford to stay home and not infect others.
3/ There will be nothing of substance to either stem the spread of COVID or to aid the economy this is the Ford way.
We will get a petulant, mad and pretend serious Doug saying he hates to do this, his hand was forced and then he will announce measures that will do nothing.
4/ He thinks he will be able to sell this to us as a quick and effective plan to stop the spread, save hospitals that are filled to capacity, and stop deaths. But he can't; we're too smart for this and we've heard this song too many times.
5/ November 20 could have gone down as the day Ford finally showed leadership and put a strong and effective mitigation plan into effect, the day we turned the pandemic around. Instead today will go down in history as the day Doug Ford's political career effectively ended.
6/ It didn't have to be this way, and for a few hours at least, it still doesn't, but it will be. Prove me wrong.
This is the day Ford will fail us and try to fool us for the last time. @fordnation @celliottability #onpoli
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