Me at #GE2017 count for South Holland and the Deepings constituency still full of hope cos we'd won loads of new LP voters despite our candidate not winning the seat
I was blissfully unaware that the labour party were working hard to successfully throw that election.
I was blissfully unaware that even if Corbyn had won the same machinations would prevent us from keeping our beautiful manifesto promises
I've had an education over the last 7 months which has shocked me but given me insight to the fact that LP is a guardian of things I despise Imperialism & capitalism & it will never look after the interests of the working classes, tho it may give the illusion of doing so at times
It's not all doom and gloom we have a new Socialist party which is almost 1year old and you can join us too! Read our 10 point program and if it appeals, join @WorkersPartyGB
You can follow @harrison_georgi.
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