Apologies Twitter I posted a tweet about #EqualPayDay and #ethnicitypaygap of women. I deleted it because I mistakenly posted a link to US GenderEthnicityPayGaps. What's interesting is how hard to find UK media covering the intersectionality in pay gaps...
After looking for an hour I couldn't find anything that directly compares non-white women to white men (even on the ONS website). There are ethnicity comparisons within gender and between ethnic groups. It's as if black women shouldn't compare themselves to white men. 🤔
So I've had to do some number crunching myself - with raw ONS data. Would love someone else to look at it as I think it is important work and I don't trust my maths 100% on this one. But here goes...
By my calculations #EqualPayDay for African woman was on 15th October.
For Pakistani women 23rd Sept.
Surprisingly on average black women in general earn more than white women with an #EqualPayDay tomorrow.
However these figures flatter to deceive the reality of black women's pay
Over half of the UK's black population live in London and Londoners have a higher average wage in general due to the higher cost of living. So Black women appear to have a higher average wage primarily due to the regional difference.
I welcome anyone (in fact I am begging anybody) to go through the ONS raw data to check my calculations. I obviously believe #EqualPayDay is important. I also think intersectionality is important. https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours/articles/ethnicitypaygapsingreatbritain/2019#pay-gaps-by-sex
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