#FaithBuildingsFriday In the 1970s @RC_Survey visited the derelict church of St Teilo’s, Llandeilio Talybont. They noticed traces of coloured pigments below the flaking white limewash – a first step to revealing one of the most exciting #wallpainting schemes in Wales. 1/5
The site was revisited with @StFagans_Museum in 1984 when painstaking work to uncover and record the paintings was carried out, and the building carefully dismantled for reconstruction at St Fagans. 2/5
Paintings from at least seven different periods have been identified. The earliest is a depiction of St Catherine, with her distinctive wheel, dating from the early 15th century. 3/5
A scheme of paintings showing 'The Passion of Christ' are late 15th/early 16th and are the most detailed surviving in Wales on this theme. The Mocking of Christ shows Christ at his trial, wearing his crown of thorns and being spat at by two men. 4/5
The church, and its interior, has undergone a careful programme of restoration, involving teams of conservation and painting experts. This now gives the visitor the opportunity to experience the rich colour of pre-Reformation churches in all their glory. 5/5
📷 @StFagans_Museum
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