UNITY THREAD: Dear fellow UK citizens, It has become abundantly clear that the UK government is currently following the trajectory to bring the UK into the globalist agenda for The Great Reset. We understand their targets and we understand their desire to control. We know this
plan was devised many years ago and we now reach the crescendo of implementation under the guise of the Covid virus. UK citizens are on the threshold of losing all their civil rights, freedoms and protections. We stand open to tyrants stripping away our lives and reducing
us to serfs. We are at the point of no return and must now decide, in a unified manner, whether to turn and face the attack and defend ourselves or whether we roll over and concede. Many years have passed since anyone last tried to remove their government from power.
We must find leadership that will unify, put small issues aside, and combine forces for a greater good and protection of the civilians of the United Kingdom. We are many, they are few. However, they have the police and military on their side, currently. How do we combat against
these and protect ourselves and loved ones? Who do we turn to to lead us forward and save ourselves and our freedoms. You have all shown yourselves to be loyal and brave and have played your role in fighting these tyrants so far. Are any of you willing to stand up for the people
of our great nations and stand united with each other to destroy the current plans of our government, to release us from the shackles of control, and to bring true independent freedom back to our people? It’s now or never. Time has run out. They are ramping up their game as they
fear kick-back. They will not stop. This plan has been alive for too long and has been too well funded and organised for them to stop now. It’s up to us to join together, create one powerful and unified group, to oust the UK government and bring peace back to our lands.
Who will you help? Will you unify for all our sakes and those of future generations? @Nigel_Farage @DesmondSwayne @simondolan @johnredwood @Francis_Hoar @LozzaFox 💥💥💥 Please add and retweet to anyone you think may help. 🙏🙏🙏
You can follow @kmacbean123.
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