The sex as liberation trope is all good until you consider so many of its advocates have been sexually abused & raped. Trauma often looks like freedom. Trauma seeks repetition. This must be part of the conversation.
Reclaiming one’s right to sexual pleasure and bodily autonomy is central to surviving rape, and...often too sexuality is used to act out distress and as a tool to seek intimacy and/or worth. I think we need to complicate & nuance this story.
Anyway, I saw Meghan the Stallion’s latest and wanted to acknowledge this. Amidst the faux feminist debates around wether selling sex can ever be a liberatory act & the glorification of black women sexualisation, I wanted to say there’s a form of trauma that is invisibilised.
And refusing to see it, is misogynoir. It’s refusing to see the complexities of black womanhood and it is refusing to see how our body continues to be a socially sanctioned site of sexual violence.
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