a sizable contingent of people are claiming that a far-right coup is underway — not in some figurative sense, not as a hypothetical, but as something happening right now, before our eyes.
so far I havent seen the faintest hint that anything resembling an armed or clandestine resistance is being planned, or even contemplated (apart from antifa presumably continuing to do their thing). has anyone else?
are any of the people who minutely track the machinations of Trumpworld's inner factions currently looking into which units of the US military are likely to back a coup and which are likely to oppose it? has anyone made contact with the constitutionalists in the military?
i think the coup talk is ridiculous, but if i turn out to be wrong, what can i as a civilian do to aid the resistance forces from the outside? These are the kinds of things you would expect progressive oppositionists to be talking about if they actually feared a far-right coup.
what's going on now is legitimately a lot more worrying than anything that ever came up in the russiagate farce. things are degenerating. but the coup-mongers are not acting like it's a coup. they're acting like this is another "gorpman's going down" msnbc media spectacle
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