We proved that Boris Johnson and Donald Trump are infantile men with immature emotions and poor self control.
But what about their . . . fan base, acolytes, or groupies. What about them?
I don't believe that ten or twenty years ago either of these characters would have been elected to anything.
The country was more sensible ten years ago. There was a minimum standard of public behaviour. People fell short all the time, but the standard was there.
There is no standard of public behaviour any more. Not even a nodding acquaintance with it.
Johnson and Trump are both corrupt. Openly, appallingly corrupt, but their fan base doesn't recognise the transgression
And I think when public corruption no longer carries any penalty, when your fan club will excuse any wrong, any indecency, any foul behaviour, and cling to that devotion in spite of all proof of your corruption, then the country is beyond saving
If you say you don't want to believe this person is corrupt. That's normal. You don't want to believe that the people you follow are corrupt. Of course you don't
But it seems to me we've gone further than that. We don't just say we don't want to believe they're corrupt.
We now say, we don't care if they're corrupt.

And that's something new
You can prove corruption, and it makes no difference.
Donald Trump is corrupt, but his fan club don't care.
Boris Johnson is corrupt, and his fan club don't care either.
Jeremy Corbyn is thoroughly corrupt, but his fan club don't care.
What do you do when millions of people just don't care any more how their leaders behave?
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