Allama Iqbal paid a tribute to #TipuSultan who was the bravest son of the soil and the Tiger of Mysore in his brilliant composition
‘Sultan Tipu Ki Wasiyat’ (The Testament Of Tipu Sultan) in Zarb e Kaleem. It happens to be one of my favorite. It's five couplets are as follows:
تو رہ نوردِ شوق ہے منزل نہ کر قبول
لیلیٰ بھی ہم نشیں ہو تو محمل نہ کر قبول

If you traverse the road of love, Donʹt yearn to seek repose or rest:
If Layla be your companion close that litter shun with great contempt
اے جوئے آب بڑھ کے ہو دریائے تندو تیز
ساحل تجھے عطا ہو تو ساحل نہ کر قبول

O streamlet, onward flow and get transformed to torrent strong and deep:
If bank is eʹer on you bestowed, Abstain, flow on with mighty sweep
اے جو آب بڑھ کر ہو دریا تند و تیز
ساحل تچھے عطا ہو تو ساحل نہ کر قبول

This couplet was written in the first page of the diary of Capt Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed. His father painted the verse in his hujrah at Nawakili after his Shahadat.
کھویا نہ جا صنم کدۂ کائنات میں
محفل گداز گرمی ٔ محفل نہ کر قبول

Donʹt lose your bearings in this world because with idols it is full:
The assemblage here can cast a spell, disdain, or strings of heart shall pull
صبح ازل یہ مجھ سے کہا جبرئیل نے
جو عقل کا غلام ہو وہ دل نہ کر قبول

Gabriel on Creationʹs Early Morn, a piece of useful counsel gave:
He bade me not accept a heart enchained by mind of man like slave.
باطل دوئی پسند ہے حق لا شریک ہے
شرکت میانہ ء حق و باطل نہ کر قبول

Untruth conceals in various masks but Truth and God are both unique:
There canʹt be pool ʹtwixt good and bad—This fact is known from times antique.
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