Bemused that a media responsible for enthusiastically amplifying the false allegations that Trump, Page, et al were Russian agents - and dozens of other debunked stories - is now pontificating about how horrible it is for a democracy to not be able to trust our institutions.
Even more bemused that those same media outlets are dismissing, out of hand, sworn affidavits of eyewitnesses describing fraudulent and/or illegal vote-counting activity, considering the weekly "bombshell" leak stories from anonymous sources they were so eager to bring to...
...our attention for the last 3+ years. The difference? Well you know the difference. The people signing their names to sworn statements are describing suspicious activities that reflect negatively on @JoeBiden. The anonymous, now-debunked bombshells reflected negatively on...
... @realDonaldTrump. That's the difference. That's why mainstream journalists aren't expending any journalistic effort to locate and interview Dominion officers, or the eye-witnesses who signed the affidavits, or someone who can explain those middle-of-the-night Biden spikes... Michigan, Wisconsin, et al. There has to be an explanation for that 130-something thousand to zero spike at 3:30am, right? I'm ready to accept a reasonable explanation, but I haven't heard any explanation at all. Have you? Imagine if those were Trump spikes, they put...
...him ahead for good in those states, and nobody was willing to explain how these mathematically impossible events occurred. Do you think some journalism would be happening then? Yes it would. So spare us the outrage at Rudy and @SidneyPowell1 seeking answers to the...
...questions the media would otherwise be busy investigating themselves. The media has made it clear that they would be satisfied if no states conducted an audit or recount, if Michigan counties that have a 200-300% over-vote to not just registered voters, but to total....
...population simply certified the tally as valid, or if the eye-witness accounts of fraud in those affidavits went uninvestigated. Because that's the journalistic instinct, right? Nothing to see here - don't bother me with a story from a 20-year poll-worker employee who...
...watched ballot counters feed 50-count stacks of Biden votes through a machine 8 times. Don't remind me that the account was independently backed up by affidavits from others who were there and witnessed the same thing, or that this occurred in one of the counties with...
...the 200-300% over vote. I don't want to hear it. Tell me about something Trump said that made someone uncomfortable. Give me something on background about how pissed off Trump is that nobody's looking into this shit. That's gold. I'll lead with that, and his assault on our...
...most sacred and cherished right and privilege, the sanctity of our democratic elections. All of that other stuff is of no interest.
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