On this point here, Ramsland tries to say Dominion software is resulting in some suspicious turnout in Wayne County, Michigan

But here's the issue: this isn't data from Wayne County. I'm guessing he saw Detroit on the list and made an assumption, but we all know the saying there
The following is a list of communities and townships in Wayne County. As you can see, it doesn't match up. At all.
But what DOES match up with Ramsland's list is the list of communities from two states over: Becker County, in my home state of Minnesota.
"Okay, so he made a simple mistake. How does that explain the weird turnout numbers for this county using Dominion?"

Great question!
For an explanation on the numbers, all I'm going to say for now (it's late and I'm tired) is that there's no reason to take it at face value when we already know the affidavit is flawed.

I haven't found the actual numbers yet, but will keep looking in the morning.
But here's the more important part: Becker County is a red county. Trump won with 64% of the vote there. If there are anomalously high turnouts, they probably aren't helping Biden.

And here's the other thing: I haven't been able to confirm that Becker County even uses Dominion software in the first place to count their votes.

As of 2018, they did not.

Bonus mistake: that wasn't the only place in this affidavit Ramsland mistakes Minnesota for Michigan (and frankly I'm a little bit offended).

Monticello, Albertville, Houston, Veldt, Oslo, and I'm sure many of the others, are not towns in MI. But we do have them in MN.
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