Imagine you’re a doctor walking into an ER shift. You see so many really sick COVID19 patients, struggling to breathe.

The outgoing team isn’t convinced they’re that sick & refuses to treat them. They won’t sign them out to you until they have more evidence.

Sound implausible?
Well this is exactly what’s happening right now.

This administration is refusing to treat this pandemic as the public health crisis it is.

Nearly every damn day we set case & hospitalization records. Deaths are rapidly climbing.

And this absent and silent.
Worse is that now they’re refusing to sign out to the oncoming team.

So here’s the sad reality:

Every day the Trump administration postpones the transition, more Americans die.

Let me repeat.

Every day the Trump administration postpones the transition, more Americans die.
That’s because just like those sick patients struggling to breathe when you walk into your ER shift, our country needs immediate treatment for COVID19.

We need providers & public health professionals to put in place the protocols necessary to reduce transmission and save lives.
The longer this is delayed, the more the virus spreads. More get hospitalized. And more die.

The longer this is delayed, the less prepared the incoming team will be to rollout a vaccine - a task already set to be one of the most daunting logistical challenges in recent memory.
COVID19 is the greatest challenge facing the US right now.

And the unwillingness of the current administration to treat it as such is yet another example of its abject failure to manage this crisis.

We desperately need urgent intervention now, to prevent the worst.
We would never allow a doctor to withhold life-saving treatment from severely ill patients. We would intervene if their delay was putting lives at risk.

In the midst of an unprecedented pandemic, shouldn’t we hold our president to the same standards as our healthcare providers?
You can follow @Craig_A_Spencer.
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