
For all the handwringing about "inert" Democrats, there is little they can do to push back on this in any meaningful way. The most they could possibly do is symbolic shaming but (1) you can't shame the shameless, and (2) that probably backfires amid hyperpolarization.
Suppose Pelosi starts some hearings. To the extent this Administration cooperates, does it care? Do Democrats look savvy and in control?

No! Not even the Do Something jackasses demanding a fresh impeachment will say that.

So what does it accomplish?
It doesn't hold Republicans accountable because their base will never abandon them. For anything. So who is the hypothetical performance for? Democrats? Why?
And if the Senate doesn't change hands, guess what? Literally the only way to hold anyone accountable NEXT YEAR is through the DOJ! And that means most of the worst offenders won't face anything at all, because their betrayal of America didn't rise to criminal offense!
There will be no political price paid. There will be no structural change to shore up our democracy against future catastrophe. The Courts will be lost to corruption and oppression for the remainder of my lifetime (or the country's).
When half* our country's polity decide that they'd rather burn the nation to the ground than allow the other half* to wield power, there's nothing the other half* can do.

You can't save a marriage that only one of you wants.

*The GOP represents WAY less than half.
I don't know how long it will take for Democrats and the media to recognize this. The American experiment is over. The American Right have thrown in the towel, because somewhere around 1860 they didn't like what it meant.
Man I always make my best threads when the East Coast is asleep.
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