I think twice, thrice, and often more before I share moments of vulnerability on social media. When you’re a feminist accustomed to having the dogs of patriarchy let loose on you, you become more comfortable with vowing to bring pain to your enemies than to admitting to your own.
But I have learned to do both: be on the lookout for the dogs of patriarchy, ready to kick their teeth in, and also keep my pain soft. Unfailingly, and surprisingly, when I do share my pain, it is held with such care and love by my tribe of total strangers and comrades online...
A pandemic, like revolution, does not happen overnight. 

I refuse to emerge as if unscathed. I insist that we all be scathed, that we refuse to be the people we were at the start of the pandemic.

We cannot reverse. We will emerge, our hearts unhealed and scarred but awesome.
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