Kerala Blasters Season Preview. My Thoughts.
So the season is starting today. The long awaited return of the sport we love in our country. It's a strange season we all know that, not only because of Covid. The expectations from KBFC is qualifying for playoff even for the most passionate fans. #YennumYellow #ISL 1/9
That is a very new thing for KBFC fans to come to terms with. Because in all 6 previous seasons KBFC started as "Title Contenders" in the expectations of us. Not anymore. This season expectations are very different. #YennumYellow #ISL 2/9
To be frank I would be satisfied with a 6th place finish and good style of Football. That's progress for me. If you compare the squads realistically there are teams that are better than us in terms of squads. #YennumYellow #ISL 3/9
But I would say this is the best squad KBFC has assembled in ISL. I will put my neck out and say that. It's a young squad though. The problem that comes with youth is they will be inconsistent. That's should be expected when you build a youthful team. #YennumYellow #ISL 4/9
Experience matters. There maybe four teams in ISL, their indian contingent is experienced than us.But players won't get experience unless they play. With 3+1 rule coming next season, this is the best way to start. See this season as a "Transitional season". #YennumYellow #ISL 5/9
I would urge every KBFC fans to lower their expectations, anything over and above that is a bonus. We have a very young squad. Now it's our duty to support them. Not abuse them. I guarantee you that they will make mistakes. Continue to support them. These kids have talent. 6/9
I think the board has started something last season with eelco. With Kibu and SD this season it is a continuation of that. As I said in my fan blogs it's a process. TRUST IN THE PROCESS. Personals don't matter, the process does. #YennumYellow #ISL 7/9
I hope both as a fanbase and club we afford these persons the time they need to implement it fully. Consistency is needed. Consistency comes with continuation. Management should surely be judged, but they should be judged with all these factors. #YennumYellow #ISL 8/9
Last but not least. This season social media matters a lot. Players are in bubble and no crowds in stadium. The validation probably comes from social media. Criticsm is fine abuse is not.
PS - Now let's win the Title 😂 #YennumYellow #ISL 9/9
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