(1) A client of mine died from a fentanyl overdose from within a correctional facility. This happens often, but this particular loss resonated deeply today. Things were just starting to turn around. He was about to be released, after years of pre-trial custody...
(2)...and he was finally permitted to challenge what he knew was right all along. His death remains a mystery to those who knew him. Even more mysterious were the circumstances surrounding it.
(3) He OD’d from within his cell, and was taken to the hospital. He was returned to the jail 2 days later. Within 2 hours of return, he somehow OD’d again. We know nothing more than that. No one from the jail bothered to call his family, or even me.
(4) This story, as devastating as it is, communicates this powerful message: our correctional facilities are way past broken - they’re beyond repair. These systemic cracks are irrevocable, and in them lies the real issues at play.
(5) There are only so many explanations for what happened here. The lack of compassion is appalling. I don’t know what more to say. I just wanted to raise awareness, that the crisis within our correctional centres is real.
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