How did the Labour Party,Started by Keir Hardie,a Scotsman for the Working class ,end up with Sir Keir Starmer, Establishment Lacky
Looking to Bankers and Lawyers to carry the torch of protection of the poor and vulnerable?
The emperors have whole wardrobes of new clothes
What happened to the spirit of the Jarrow March hey? They got spat on and laughed at by the Etonians as they marched for work and enough food to feed their bairns!
Took hundreds of years of fighting to find a working class political voice
The Labour Party were set up amidst enormous strife and opposition to challenge the establishment elite and fight for the rights of the workers
Where has kindness and compassion gone? You won't find it amongst the ruling elite, that's for sure.
They continue to starve the nation
1996 the Labour party officially ceased to exist as a socialist party,now dominated by upper middle class politicians who actively despise poor people, working class voters feel that and recognise it, and increasingly return the favour and want to take back control of The Party
But keep getting thwarted by the RW PLP and the Party will continue to fail until they have been gotten out of the way of returning to recognisable socialism
People still insisting on trying to stick to the status quo will be ruined politically,and take Labours fortunes with them
Time to embrace the population's revolt against what the mainstream laughably and ignorantly dubs "the centre"
They are out of touch ,relics, drastically unrepresentative & in complete denial about how the world & political landscape has changed under neo-liberalism & austerity
Disillusioned and forgotten people are already looking for targets for their outrage. Labour needs to point them in the right direction, away from the current scapegoats and toward the economic roots of their suffering..the Tories
Socialism is the answer to Labours Problems
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