1/ The @voting_works team has been working around the clock for the last week to support the State of Georgia in running their first state-wide risk-limiting audit, which turned into a full hand-count. https://twitter.com/voting_works/status/1329604858358317057
4/ The heavy lifting here was done by county & state officials. This is a lot of work, and it's hard to do accurately and quickly. Keep in mind the state of Georgia only recently moved back to paper ballots. Managing a secure chain of custody for 5M ballots is very tough.
5/ And of course the @voting_works team is unbelievable. @mcranechilders and @ginvdr on the ground, Jonah and Morgan on engineering, and the rest of the VotingWorks team providing phone and email support to 159 counties.
6/ All of this was run on Arlo ( https://github.com/votingworks/arlo), the open-source auditing software we've been developing for the last 18 months with support from @CISAgov and others.
7/ We're proud to be contributing to public trust in elections. There's a lot more work to do. But today, we're feeling pretty good.
8/ a window into one part of the work: reconciling the data for 41,000 batches against all the paper tally sheets. Yes, this process, too, is backed by paper. https://twitter.com/ARCBOE/status/1329605033722335234?s=19
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