OK folks, let's cut the crap on ballot fraud in Michigan (specifically) -- and likely elsewhere.

Simple tests -- if any fail, then either everyone involved goes to jail now or its Casus Belli.

1. Mailed "late" ballots. No crease? Fraud - PRISON NOW.
2. Take sample of same. Can you "lift" the alleged "colored in circle"? That's a laser printer. Fraud - PRISON NOW.

3. Dust 10 for prints. No prints? How do you fill it out without touching it? Fraud - PRISON NOW.

4. Passes #2? Gimme microscope. Pen or autopen? FRAUD!
( #4a -- or even jeweler's loupe is likely enough)

5. Swab 10 alleged mailed ballots that are SEQUENTIALLY in the stack with isopropyl, run through GC/MS. Identical peaks? FRAUD - same pen, physically impossible on mailed ballots. PRISON NOW.
I can keep going but in less than 10 minutes on video I bet if these were mass-printed and delivered I can prove it. Irrefutably prove it.

And if that happened then it's time to stop talking. There is only ONE ACCEPTABLE ACTION: PRISON NOW

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