1/ We @VersionOneVC have made 3 climate & energy investments since the start of 2020 & want to double down on this space - investing in technology solutions that address the climate crisis is not only crucial from a societal PoV but also represents a great investment opportunity.
2/ So what makes us optimistic that this does not turn into the dismal performance of "cleantech investing" from about a decade ago?
3/ A few things have changed since then:

🌎 Public awareness of sustainability & climate change 📈
🌎 Renewable energy is more cost-efficient than ever
🌎 Grid is increasingly becoming decentralized
🌎 Many more opportunities for software solutions (not only hardware)
4/ Exhibit A: it is now cheaper to build solar than to operate coal/natural gas in many parts of the world.
5/ Exhibit B: the economics of EVs have radically changed since the late 2010s.
6/ To date, we have made investments in 2 areas: demand response & carbon offset tools.

Demand response management is crucial as renewable energy sources like solar or wind are intermittent and hence increase the need for businesses & consumers to manage their energy demand.
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