I will say, if things go down a certain path (which most people will hate), Nintendo might have just singlehandedly killed everything about social distancing...

as if it honestly existed to begin with.
before anyone says that this is a bad take, remember that we still go shopping, which requires us to be in contact with surfaces that could potentially be infected with the virus.
also remember that even partial lockdowns still enable the spreading of the virus, regardless of it being “slower.”

also remember that locking everything down will basically be the government screaming “fuck mental health”
also remember that peak COVID cases are coming in at what is supposed to be peak flu, and that COVID and flu share many, if not all, of the same symptoms.
also remember that BC is currently a communist state
what I’m trying to say is COVID has basically put mental health in the back seat. you guys remember January, where I seemed as bright as I could be? well look at me now. why? COVID has destroyed my mental health even beyond what it was.

I’ve literally had to ride off pockets
of memories I’ve made this year (January, first half of February, wifi losers runs, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Canucks' playoff run, and discord servers, to name most of them).

these regulations have destroyed my, and most people's, mental health
oh and there’s also people in the BC smash scene that want me either gone or memed. can’t forget that.

basically, fuck this year, and fuck the government.
and fuck Nintendo.
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