There has been some great work on framing AI ethics issues as ultimately about power.

I want to elaborate on *why* power imbalances are a problem. 1/
*Why* power imbalances are a problem:
- those most impacted often have least power, yet are the ones to identify risks earliest
- those most impacted best understand what interventions are needed
- often no motivation for the powerful to change
- power tends to be insulating 2/
The Participatory Approaches to ML workshop at #ICML2020 was fantastic. The organizers highlighted how even many efforts for fairness or ethics further *centralize power* 3/
I think leaders at major tech companies often see themselves as benevolent & believe that critics do not understand the issues as well as they do. E.g. Facebook criticizes Kevin Roose's data as inaccurate, yet won’t share other data: 4/
Only the issues *most visible* to system designers get addressed. With this model, many issues are not prioritized until they are incredibly widespread & causing serious harm (as opposed to addressing earlier). 5/
What motivates the powerful to act: I still think about Facebook hiring 1,200 content moderators in Germany in < 1 year to avoid a hefty fine, vs after 5 years of warnings about genocide in Myanmar, just hiring “dozens” of Burmese content moderators 7/
As more background, here is a thread of work on framing AI ethics issues as being about power 8/
Machine learning often has the effect of centralizing power 9/
Also, related: Tech is not neutral 10/
Question: What reasons or resources have you found helpful in convincing those that don’t see power imbalances within tech & AI as a problem, believing the solution is primarily for those with power to wield it more benevolently? 11/
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