1) So Dana Perino and others want Dominion to sue Rudy Guliani and/or Trump for libel.

2) Good luck.

3) In 1945 Alger Hiss was a state department official who was a member of the Yalta delegation.

He was a Soviet spy.
4) In 1948 he appeared before the House UnAmerican Activities committee (HUAC) when a fellow commie, Whittaker Chambers, accused him of being a party member.

5) Although Chambers would be scored by the left, Hiss had already come up on the FBI's radar.
6) Two other exposed, then confessed, commies had identified an "assistant secretary of state" and one had the name Hiss.

7) When he appeared before HUAC, Hiss claimed not to know Chambers.

8) Chambers repeated his allegation on "Meet the Press." Hiss sued for libel.
9) Dumb move.

10) Chambers now not only said Hiss was a party member but that they BOTH had engaged in espionage. They were both subject to perjury charges.

11) Hiss, luckily, escaped the espionage charges but was hit with two counts of perjury.
12) He managed a hung jury the first time, but the second time new testimony convicted him, along with the introduction of the "Woodstock" typewriter on which he had retyped all the copied (stolen) state department documents he fed the Russkies.
13) The FBI (this was back when they actually sought out those attempting to harm America) proved the typewriter was his, as were the documents.

14) All because of the libel trial. If Hiss had shut up, he might have gotten away with it.
15) Years later, in the book "The Venona Files" that contained Soviet documents that revealed the names of Soviet spies, there was Hiss, code named ALES.

16) Alger Hiss, as Alan Weinstein showed in his brilliant book "Perjury," was "guilty as charged."

17) So, Dana.
18) By all means have Dominion sue Sidney Powell, Rudy Guliani, or Donald Trump. This wouldn't be resolved for years, but when it did, Dominion would be "guilty as charged."
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