obeying copyright law is the most cyberpunk thing of all https://twitter.com/Polygon/status/1329550225871163398
"Time to be a cyber warrior and jack into systems to cause cyber crimes! But first I must flip this switch so I can comply with the DMCA and avoid losing my public channel if a DMCA bot picks up copyrighted music"
Time to play a 120 hour epic moral tale about the blurring of digital and real life, and how corporate interests erode our personhood. But first I think I'm going to drink this redemption can of mountain dew so I can earn double exp
If you feel the need to reply to my shit post upset that I am not taking the streamer’s livelihood into account please unclench I am begging you.
my mentions are out of control and if the gamers are dog piling you in here I'm sorry but maybe think before you go on the offense in a random shitpost.
To all the cdprojekt red defenders logging on I'm sorry my tweet has forced Cyberpunk 2077 to be canceled I am sorry to bearer of this terrible news
also, pronouns are in the bio!
Just got off the phone with
Keanu Reeves. He was crying, begging me to delete my tweets to show respect to CDProjektRed and all the hard working streamers out there. Sadly I could not comply. Between sobs, he let me know that this would be a dark day for gamers everywhere.
Just got off the phone with President Elect Biden. He grimly informed me that once he takes office all joke tweets must be properly tagged. I tried asking him about stimulus money but he hung up on me.
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