since this is happening 2 me alot. a handy dandy thread on the do's and dont's of when an artist shows u their art!!
an fyi this also applies to just art being shown to you in general, whether from a friend or someone online you follow, to any sort of art.!
some stuff depends on the individual artist but i try to cover anything ive had experience with !!

first, the DONTS:
DONT: say "this looks exactly like [this character]!"
in a world full of unoriginality, we like to try and make our characters as unique as possible. it makes alot of people feel bad when our work is compared to anothers and seen as a "copy" when it usually isnt even related!
DONT: just say general weird things.
this does depend on the artist and the type of art, but typically when viewing sfw art, please dont comment "this is so sexy/theyre so hot/etc nsfw". this can make alot of people uncomfortable. especially if the artist/characters are underage.
that one does heavily depend- if its nsfw art and the artist/characters are adult, and you are also an adult, saying "this is so hot" may be accepted. im a minor, i wouldnt know. i DO know that YOU SHOULD NOT BE SAYING IT TO A MINOR OR TOWARDS UNDERAGE CHARACTERS.
DONT: "fix it".
we do not care if our art is to your standards or "looks right" to you. dont fucking touch it. unless you have permission from the artist THEMSELVES, dont edit it/retouch it/trace it/etc to cater it to you.
DONT: reupload/use without credit/permission
reuploads/reposts are generally unaccepted but it does also depend on the individual artist so make sure to ask- and make sure to always use WITH CREDIT!!
DONT: ask for free stuff
this can be fine depending on the artist, but usually if ur first response to seeing someones art is to ask for free art from them it can make us feel like you dont care about our work outside of personal gain. if their fine with requests, ask-
personally or outside of them showing you their work!
DONT: immediately criticize without asking
this isnt to say to never criticize art or an artist- but lots of artists dont want criticism without asking first or on certain pieces. and if they give you the okay to do so: do so CONSTRUCTIVELY and make sure to compliment as well!
DONT: qrt art !!!
this depends on the artist as well, but usually some artists do not like qrts (for some , tws are okay) because the attention goes to UR tweet and not theirs. make sure to check w/ each artist if their okay with it or not!
and now, the DO's of seeing someones art:
DO: tell them you like it !!!
artists love love love feedback !! tell us you not only like it, but if you can, point out a specific thing you like about the piece. alot of artists really appreciate the attention to detail we work so hard on :]
DO: support their work if you can!!
this can be through retweets, likes, comissioning, or patreon, but if you like an artists work- make sure to support us ! we do all of this mostly for free or as a job and the support is wonderful. :]
DO: let artists have a life outside of art!
dont get on us for not drawing 24/7 or using our platforms to do something other than art. we are not factories and cant produce things all the time. its okay to follow an artist just for their art- but dont get upset ! >:0
DO: ask what each artist is okay with!
again, this is just a thread of my personal experiences. this doesnt apply to EVERY artist in EVERY type of medium. if youre unsure- ask!! asking is very helpful!! dont be scared of asking an artist on how to help them feel good.
ok that is all if . u have anymore just comment..!! and i can add 2 da thread ty for coming..
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