Anyone unfortunate enough to follow me knows one of my obsessions is that we have a commentariat class that has entirely too little experience in governing. So we have people shaping our understanding of governing who've never been shaped by governing.

This is relevant now.

Much of the president's behavior over the last 4 yrs was out of bounds. Much of the media's behavior has been out of bounds. But other institutions behaved badly too.

We needed more level-headed commentators who could speak knowledgeably about what this meant for governing.

Too few commentators and analysts right now are willing (or maybe they are unable) to discuss what's happening right now as anything more than a show or a battle between different forces.

People experienced in the work of governing--not just commenting on governing--need to step up. Our governing institutions are what matter right now, not dramatic, pitched fights.
Obviously, the stuff that gets clicks is the hot-headed, the-other-team-is-full-of-villains, the-world-is-about-to end talk. That's sure interesting. But it doesn't necessarily do much good. And it certainly can do harm.

This leads me to our need for institution defenders.

There are things more important than temporary popularity. There are things more important than winning the next election.

We need more people who've been shaped by important institutions who stand up for those institutions.

America needs a Congress that isn't anemic. That means members of Congress jealously guarding the prerogatives of Congress. We need public servants of all types to stand up for their institutions because those institutions are essential for the preservation of our way of life.
This business of governing is not sport.

It's not theatre.

We've been handed down over generations the greatest governing institutions in world history--norms, organizations, practices, systems. We have a duty to protect and perpetuate them.

We need more from all of our institutions--media organizations, higher-education institutions, corporations, etc.--and that means people taking seriously their responsibilities to ensure those bodies perform honorably and well.

We don't need hyperventilating. We don't need panic. That stuff doesn't solve problems.

We need to hear the voices of stewards of our institutions. Sober, serious, patriotic public servants--past and present--who will stand up for our shared inheritance.

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