THREAD: Posting an update on Jackson Browning Bradley of the New Jersey Heritage Association (NJEHA) since the original info isn't currently published anywhere

DOB: 2/21/98
Philly, PA
T'gram: Madison117 
His old VK and FB accounts followed by the new ones

Hendrik Verwoerd -> James-Madison Verwoerd
Jackson Bradley -> Richard Johnson
After revealing his name Bradley sent selfies on VK which matched his FB photos. In his Friends List an alt FB account was found under the same pseudonym he used on VK: Hendrik Verwoerd
Bradley revealing his identity and mentioning he goes to a university near Villanova in Radnor. An anonymous former student recalls Bradley being a classmate at Cabrini University
Jackson Bradley is on the right in the masked photo
Bradley states his Nazi ideology and proves to be an absolute sieve of sensitive information with no regard for security

Details the group's hiking itinerary and outs Ron Sheehy as the leader after first using his alias
Bradley in conversation with Billy Roper and keeping us updated on his road trip
NJEHA members helpfully tracking their own movements when hiking and posting flyers
Bobby from Long Island, apparently an MMA fighter
Rich and his wife
NJEHA leaders Dan D'Ambly and Ron Sheehy (with David Duke)
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