As long as @thorchain_org 's Bitcoin bridge launches within the year, it will be ready for when some of the money that finds its way into $BTC over this cycle wants to punt shitcoins cross-chain
@UniswapProtocol and @CurveFinance have shown that fees on AMMs can quickly become competitive with centralised exchanges

If so, why would do KYC and trust an intermediary if you don't have to?
Users will be able to connect from their Bitcoin SoV to Ethereum's burgeoning financial system

Through this, they will have access to advanced financial services without ever touching a centralised intermediary or even a legal system
Regardless how we feel about the morality of this, this alone is a multi-trillion dollar use case

Especially with #COVID19 debts forcing governments to eventually raise taxation, the demand for unseizable assets and censorship-resistant financial services will only increase
This is also why I believe Bitcoin and Ethereum are not competitive but symbiotic

Bitcoin is the digital SoV acting as the cornerstone of the new, self-sovereign financial system provided by Ethereum

$BTC brings $ETH liquidity
$ETH makes $BTC useful
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