The Famous Five can meet up within the rule of 6 and snigger nastily about their rivals the Secret Seven #schadenfreude.

George and Timmy form a support bubble with Julian, Dick and Ann.  

Uncle Quentin and Aunt Fanny are shielded. Uncle Quentin is working on a top secret scientific project in his shed with a bottle of 25 year old single malt and some dubious magazines. Aunt Fanny is under the delusion that he is working on a vaccine for SARS-Cov-2.

The Famous Five move to Kirrin Island where George imposes a 14 day quarantine.

Julian has words with Dick for stockpiling ginger ale but forgetting about toilet roll.

The girls arrange the bottles of ginger ale on a shelf in a cave while the boys fend off refugees from the UK mainland hoping to escape Covid-19 by travelling to Kirrin on homemade rafts.

After six months camping on Kirrin Island with only cotton tents and grey school jerseys, mackintoshes and a couple of rugs for warmth, tempers are starting to fray and the granite rock is starting to feel simultaneously both hard and pointy.

In this image...George, Julian, Dick, Ann and Timmy manipulate the data to avoid a local lockdown on be fair, Timmy is probably a false positive.

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