1/ An exercise in trauma-informed communication. Can we have a “might you consider?” moment.
2/ The way we communicated the sense of urgency around COVID-19, the ask to sacrifice as a form of patriotism worked well during the first and second wave.
3/ As we approach this third wave, the call for sacrifice is falling flat because everyone is psychologically and physically tired. We are asking folks to sacrifice while they are stressed, tired, hungry, surviving and literally fighting for their lives.
4/ Again, the call for masks, physical distancing, hand washing and avoiding large gatherings remain steadfast preventable tools and should be done. The question is how do we establish salience for most folks again?!
5/ To communicate with exhausted, scared, folks in survival mode, I kindly suggest we bring the temperature down, shift the narrative and lead with these two questions: a) what is the need? and b) what is the fear?
6/ With this trauma-informed approach in communication, thoughtful narrative, we prioritize safety, de-escalate, help folks feel seen and understood and increase the chance that they feel safe, seen, heard -
7/ this may improve the likelihood that folks can then hear and adhere to what healthcare professionals are asking them to do.
8/ In a recent 2020 article by Shanafelt et al., several healthcare individuals were surveyed re: what they needed in order to feel like they could weather the COVID storm. These themes emerged: a) hear me, b) protect me, c) prepare me, d) support me and d) care for me...
9/ every human needs these things.
10/ Shanafelt et al., 2020
11/ Can we begin again by considering a shift in our narrative? Just a trauma-informed thought.

#TraumaInformedCommunication <END>
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