Tired of seeing the same polarized takes on diet/nutrition from barebones fitness dudes

We know, you can get ripped and eat pizza once in a while.

I think the people deserve more.

The {SIMPLIFIED} but <NUANCED> Diet Thread
Going to try to break this down as best and easily I can while discussing the various contention points people get confused on

We will discuss:
1) Bioindividuality
3)Food Selection
4)Bioavailability & Digestion
5)Food Timing
6)Nutrient Absorption
7) Stress
1) Bioindividuality

The reason a lot of the info out there sucks is because of marketing reasons, they HAVE to proclaim “their method” as superior.

Reality: we have similar sets of physiologic governing rules, but genetics are real. Mine =/= yours

U must find what works 4 U
It’s the same in business, you trying XYZ tactic because someone said to probably won’t make a lasting change.

You understanding ABC PRINCIPLES and tweaking them based on your own anecdotal experience for what helps you, WILL.

I don’t care how you eat, I care that it works!
2) Cals & Micros

There is a ton of contention about about whether it is the “amount” (total cals) or the “type” (fats vs carbs as fuel) of calories that matters.

reality: BOTH are correct. It just depends which lens you look through.
If you’re extremely obese and metabolically unhealthy (insulin resistant) you will probably struggle more eating carbs to lose weight than others.

If you’re a relatively lean young guy who is metabolically healthy & ACTIVE, you’ll probably feel worse cutting out the carbs.
And this is why blanket recommendations tend to suck. Lack of context.

If you simply care about losing weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit. Period.

If you’re insulin resistant, it will be harder to get into that deficit because you metabolize glucose poorly (low output)
For example though- for me, I feel mentally better on low carbs. I feel physically stronger with carbs. Healthy trade off = moderate to low carbs, timed around my lifts so that they are used quickly, back into the zone.

So how can you think about this actionably?

try a period where you go low or no carb, preferably primal/carnivore adjacent. if doing so, make sure you get salt. (Carbs & sodium retention have a direct relationship). Give it a solid 3-4 weeks to adapt and see how you feel.

After 4 weeks make a decision. How do you feel?
I think that people who are already lean and heavy lifters &/ speed/power athletes could skip this.

But it really does help you understand your body in a way not much else can

From there, you’re metabolically reset. you can go in 4 week periods, adding in carbs in 40-50 g sets
So you can test the 4 weeks on none, 4 weeks 50 g, 4 weeks 100g, 4 weeks 200 g carbs.

People will say “oh sounds like work”. This is how you understand yourself.

Some people (like my partner Kevin) feel better on 300g+ carb per day.

I feel puffy. 80 g or so is my sweet spot
I’m rambling, but there is so much nuance to diet.

Here’s my irrefutable laws when it comes to cals & macros:
1) 1 G protein per lb body weight
2) figuring out how many calories you should hit for your body composition goals in an intuitive, easy to follow, and flexible way
3) deriving those calories from a fuel source that maximizes your energy day to day
4) doing all that while optimizing your diet for nutrient bioavailability, absorption, proper digestion, and low stress...

Which leads me to my next point: FOOD SELECTION
The basis of your diet (85-90% MINIMUM) should come from whole, unprocessed, real, unpoisoned foods. They are more nutritious, and you actually expend more energy to digest them than otherwise.

The core of which I think for 99% of people should be animal proteins.
For so many reasons. Red meat, seafood, organ meats, eggs, etc are the most nutrient dense food sources you can get. In the forms of these vitamins you can actually DIGEST.

This is the problem with veganism. You are not what you eat, but what you ABSORB.
You can work backwards from hitting your protein goals eating these foods, which will most likely fill up your desired fat intake as well.

And the good thing here is... it’s mainly saturated fatty acids. Omega 3. Anti-inflammatory, compared to all of the omega 6 fats in...
all the foods the bugman wants you to eat.

100 years ago we didn’t have the chronic issues we have today. They blame it on meat. The real issue is the PUFAs that profit hungry big food corporations have packed in because they are high margin.
So whole foods, centered around high quality animal foods, and then using healthy unprocessed carbs to fill it out if you do well utilizing glucose as energy.

Some have gone as far to say that vegetables/fiber are not good for you at all.

I won’t make such a strong claim...
because the reality is we have so far to go in understanding our bodies that we may be missing a mechanism somewhere along the line.

I will say this: if you’re having some sort of autoimmune illness or weird issue, look into the anti-nutrients commonly found in them.
And see if you may have a food that is triggering Stress in your body.

These are things you will never understand until you go in depth with your body, but are so worth it because you will understand and feel empowered & in control. You’re the cause of ur health, not the victim
Most people will never take the time to fully know thyself, but for the ones who do I hope this helps.

If you have further questions, I would Love to go in more detail, reply! Tried to cover a lot of ground.

Please share original tweet if you think this could help someone.
If you have a one off issue you’d like to go more in depth with, you can book a one time consultation call with @KdotUntamed and I here: https://bodyoptic.fit/#consultations 
If you want the full scale methodologies of how I think about diet, exercise, mental outlook, performance, recovery, mobility, and more, go to http://thelimitlessplaybook.com 
And if you want to really work together closely, and have us walk you through your training, coach you 1 on 1 directly, and make sure you get insane results, you can head here and apply 💪🏼: https://bodyoptic.fit/#coaching 
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