Things that ARE NOT supporting trans people:
- Telling a trans person you support them. That is just talk.
- Being nice to a trans person. This is called manners.
- Tolerating the existence of a trans person. Again, manners.

- Telling a trans person they are just as good as a cis person, or variations thereof. We know that already. Also it's really condescending.

Things that ARE supporting trans people:
- Not voting for politicians that propose or advance discriminatory laws. Trans people are currently a wedge issue, so at the moment, this means pretty much any Republican.

- Being intolerant of transphobia when we are not present. Correcting people when they misgender us or use the wrong name. Calling people out when they use slurs or make discriminatory statements.
- Literally any action that materially helps us and isn't just talk.

I honestly do not care whether or not you tell me you support trans people or love us or whatever. I am quite capable of determining my own worth as a person.

I *do* care about material support/things that actually help, and I see and am extremely appreciative of it for those of you who do, especially considering a lot of people seem to think just being nice to us when we're in the room is enough.

You do not get to take actions against trans people (such as, at the moment, voting Republican), and stay in my good graces by saying nice words to me. I have so, SO much more self-respect than to let people into my life who do not value my ability to succeed in the world.

Actions matter. Words do not. That is all.

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