See this chap on the left?
He looks a nice old chap, doesn’t he really? Could be your uncle or your dad or your brother or a mate.
His name is David. Say hello to David.

David has spent his life in the Labour movement. He’s worked hard. He’s always been a union man.
In fact, David was active in the NUM and the TGWU.
David is a Labour man. A Len McCluskey man. A Corbyn man.
A socialist.
Hard times and hard graft.
The best of British.

Only, David has a dirty secret that isn’t actually a secret and he doesn’t think it’s dirty.
What’s David’s secret-that-isn’t-a-secret?

David is a Jew hater.
A racist.
A racist conspiracy theorist.

David thinks Jews control the Labour Party.
This honest-as-the-day-is-long working man from Barnsley knows that where there is power and money the Jews are at the centre of it all, pulling the strings. And *you* are the suckers feeding the grasping Jew what he craves above all else: money.
And as you can see by the likes of his tweets, lovely socialist northern top bloke David has lots of friends who agree with him.
They are all lovely people too. Good people.
The kind of people you can trust.
Salt of the earth.
Now David was around in the Labour movement years ago. He would have been there during the miner’s strike - he was NUM and a proud Barnsley lad - and would have cheered on good old Arthur Scargill and Tony Benn when they came to speak.
In fact, if you are old enough, you probably gave money to support the Barnsley NUM miners and perhaps David handed you a “Coal Not Dole” sticker which you wore with pride on your student donkey jacket.
You might have met at Party conference.
Who knows where your paths crossed?
And if you had met David, you’d have thought:
“David is a good man. A union man. A Labour man. He’s my kind of man.”

But unless you too are a Jew hating racist then you were very, very wrong weren’t you?

And guess what - I absolutely guarantee that *you* know a David.

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