Email is one of the most important skills that isn't, you know, actually taught anywhere, except maybe by apprenticeship in sales and consulting organizations.

This seems like a missed opportunity for every organization which sits downstream of email.
"What do you mean 'email'?"

Literally everything. Inbox management; filters and tags. How to write well for different audiences. The social art of pinging. Difference between a query and status report. How to know what to never ever write in an email. etc, etc
Forward to legal, mark as Privileged and Confidential in subject line and at top, and say:

"Seeking your professional opinion with regards to this email I got [from someone who clearly didn't get the memo we didn't send about what not to write in an email]."
It's sort of absurd when you think how many *percentage points* of total factory productivity growth we'd get out of just being systematically better at email.
And luckily this is one of those "The world is broken and I hate it" observations which is actually actionable by individuals in it; you'd be plausibly 10% better at your career by getting 2X as good at email, and that's very achievable for most people.
From which it follows: your budget for getting better at email should be +/- what you spent on university, a large company should trivially justify tens of millions spent on this problem, etc etc.

Educators on the Internet: take the money, please.
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