imperial white patriarchy stands by unspeakably cruel white male killers and tells you and your descendants to do the same. For imperial white patriarchy. And inherited wealth.
filthy lies since 1770 but go off with the discovery doctrine bullshit.
1770: we discovered Australia!
~250 years of colonising violence~
2020: sometimes we do bad things!
I really fucking hate it when these politicians and journalists and CEOs presume to speak for the entire citizenry. First Nations people know this country is built on violence. Afghanistani Australians know what our military is. Arab Australians know. I’m white and even I know.
politicians and mainstream media and CEOs speak only for the vested interests of a wilfully ignorant minority and should say so while they are at it.
oh and look at that headline. They mean AUSTRALIAN war criminals. Our military. Who the prime minister is vastly expanding authority for domestic deployment with impunity and himself at the helm. Who he inserts into acknowledgment of country. Not Afghanistan. Us.
a global pandemic and [first wave] catastrophic climate fires caused by fossil fuel mining and what does the Liberal Party do? Put mining CEOs inside federal cabinet and give its leader power to deploy war criminals in every state and territory.
Media: vote 1 Scott Morrison!
Stokes should be dumped from the AWM and so should that washed up warmonger Abbott, but as Andrew knows better than most, being on the side of war crimes gets promoted in this nation. Standing AGAINST war crimes is a different matter for career prospects.
speaking of career prospects, as ABC news and other major media obediently promote the less than worthless opinion of the Home Affairs minister on war crimes prosecutions, recall that he left the Qld walloper force after starting a car chase and flipping the vehicle on a kerb.
he was gonna sue for damages but the Queensland brass went yeah nah you started the chase before it was signed off by higher ups my dude [paraphrased] and he went righto this is a lost cause so ~eye~ am withdrawing anyway coz got this cushier politician caper now [paraphrased].
and then to try and save his own sorry prime ministership (he failed), Malcolm Turnbull gave Dutton a mega cop portfolio and Scott paramilitary Morrison rode a wave of misogynist bullying into the top job! - The End.
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