Watching the @NBADraft and seeing the raw emotions shown by just about every player in the first AND second rounds tells me that the eight-month wait brought unbelievable angst in the lives of all these young people – and it all came out when their names were called.
That tells me I’ve got to keep an eye on my guys who are in a bubble here – where they’re in the lodge or the practice facility, and other than us trying to do some socially distanced together, aren’t doing much else.
I would say to all coaches and parents out there, there is no embarrassment in our kids seeking help or talking to a professional. At @KentuckyMBB we have an on-campus and an off-campus psychologist available 24 hours a day, but the kids have to want to talk.
We have to understand they’re young & their minds are not fully developed. That’s what I took away last night from the @NBADraft. Obviously I was proud of our three guys being drafted & another three signing but that’s what’s got me thinking today. Let’s help these young people.
P.S. @NBA, I hope you’re listening because my guys are yours now. Just because they left us doesn’t mean they’re OK now. Make sure they have the ability to seek help.
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