1. From Winter Studios, Summary On Today's Gist: A Thread💀

Teacher Kwadwo said every popular person on twitter GH has one of their fans naming themselves 'Ba'. He added these people should reason cos your parents home don't know anything about your new birth certificate.
2. Kwadwo Sheldon Vs Teacher Kwadwo

Sheldon tweeted saying he's one of the icons that made content creation cool in this country till Teacher Kwadwo also tweeted that although lazy self-acclaimed Etikelenkele content creator lectured in universities he wasn't drafted by Huawei
3. “This You?!”

After Teacher Kwadwo said Huawei called him, Kwadwo Sheldon quoted him with receipts detailing how Teacher Kwadwo's contract was terminated by Huawei for portraying himself as a paedophile on his Facebook page. Teacher Kwadwo replied with it doesn't matter.
4. It's coming it's going

Kwadwo Sheldon continued trolling Teacher Kwadwo with him being a paedophile and creating jokes about rape. What was Teacher's response?? He said he's sorry and it was an issue a long time ago he has dealt with.

Wahala for who dey joke about rape💀💀
5. In other news 💀💀
6. Kwadwo Sheldon still over the rape wahala dropped one receipt from comedian Warris
Now's the time to turn on notifications😍
7. Yawa don gas

Kwadwo Sheldon called Teacher Kwadwo Original Rape Nyame " and Teacher released Kwadwo Sheldon's receipt where he spoke about raping one of his followers on Facebook. Teacher Kwadwo then called him "Raping Nyame Mu Nyame".
8. One Mr Ceyram said Sheldon doesn't just talk about it but he engages in raping. How Dr take know this?? He deleted the tweet before they dragged him .....💀💀💀
9. Some receipts dropped talking about Sheldon's rape comments had different years eiii. Why Facebook them be two?? Anyway, Teacher Kwadwo told Kwadwo Sheldon that he should be calming down with his evil plans cos the evidence he has against him will ruin his career later. Kaish
10. Drag Me, I'm Your Catfish 💀

I still don't understand what was Sir Redox's fault🤔🤔
11. Kwadwo Piano Vs Sterling

Kwadwo Piano stated Sterling is trying to do self put put(ahoshesh3) on issues that don't concern him. A little banter from Sterling made Piano add he's just trying to resurrect his dead Twitter career with me.

Wahala for who no get Twitter branding
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I Come In Peace...To Witness Carnage💀
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