Gonna be that guy for a sec and explain how these beliefs are deeply enmeshed with hate and prejudice. https://twitter.com/ryanstruyk/status/1329463527405481987
Conspiracy theories are the connective tissue between outgroup-directed enmity and denial of the obvious. Those who embrace them are more likely to hate others unlike themselves and believe the ludicrous.
(curious about how they got this one past IRB but the point stands regardless)
To the extent the "Trump won" lie--with its denigration of the Black vote--is tied up with COVID denialism, there's a strong argument that white supremacy is abetting white death.
Folks are taking the phrase "is this really the hill you wanna die on?" literally, and it seems there is little we can do to stop them.
I absolutely cannot fathom being willing to die to avoid admitting I was wrong--factually or morally. Feels like you'd really need to hate your life, like a lot.
Let me be as clear about this as I can: it's no accident that the same people believe COVID is a myth and think Black votes shouldn't matter. Very similar psychological mechanisms underlie both attitudes.
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