Lot of folks who get worked up over new Star Trek having issues havent spent the last few decades reconciling the fact that Trek has ALWAYS had elements of racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia. If we can still enjoy Star Trek produced by Rick Berman you can handle a few plot holes
This is why I don't trust anyone who puts down headcannons/fan theories for "not being real Star Trek". Fan fiction/art is a huge reason why this fandom has lasted over half a century. The ability to insert ourselves into a world even when on screen representation was imperfect.
Also my god have you SEEN season 1 of TNG?!?! Or honestly a lot of season 2?!? The first 42 episodes of TNG has maybe 12? That are worth rewatching?
At the end of this season Discovery will have 42 episodes. At the end of TNG season 2 they had 48. If I just went off that and had to pick one, Discovery is the one I continue watching.
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