Frequencies- the building blocks of this *physical* reality -

lie at the root of music and mind-control

Have you ever wondered why you get goosebumps or start feeling particular emotions while listening to music?

This happens because of frequencies
The way the universe is constructed -including people- is through vibrations, energies and frequencies

Everything that appears physical or solid is in reality just electromagnetic energy and frequencies

Nothing is as it seems, sound included
This energy is decided by the brain and it alloyed us to experience reality

The brain however is only able to decode less than .0001% of reality

And even what it decodes, it filters* most of the information
Every second your brain is decoding


which includes sounds, images, smells

From this vast amount of info it only takes 40 sensations per second to create what we perceive as reality!
Think for a moment

our reality is constructed from only 40 sensations from a potential of 11 mil

The millions of sensations that remain are absorbed by the *subconscious* mind

So you can be influenced without being aware of nothing

One example today is through music
For many years, the standard tuning pitch was set at A=432hz, where the musical note A vibrates at that frequency, and all subsequent notes come in proportional accordance.

(hz meaning in this case, ‘vibrational cycles per second’)
Musicians and audiophiles alike agreed that this was a natural, harmonic frequency, and an obvious choice

But something changed in 1955

The standard was changed to 440 instead of 432

This happened because of numerous attempts made by.....

Rockefeller Foundation
Why does this foundation cares about the pitch at which the musical instruments are tuned? you may ask

Well it does
432 is said to synchronise with the rhythms of human brainwaves, the rest of nature and with the frequency of the earth itself, and music performed to that pitch is thought to therefore have healing, or at the very least, soothing and calming properties
440, in contrast, was thought disturbing and dissonant on an unseen level, with music performed at that pitch having unsettling effects on those exposed to it
It’s interesting that a Google search of “432 vs 440hz” mainly throws up results denouncing the idea that the change could have been any kind of malevolent move as “claptrap” or “a ridiculous conspiracy theory,
when there are thousands of articles and videos giving the other side of the argument whose results do not get shown, as any intrepid researcher will find
Auditory frequencies are affecting your body. So, even though you’re hearing them through your ears, they’re also resonating with different portions of your body. Our sense of hearing is mediated. We’re constructing the sound that we experience in our own minds.
That’s why when you hear a song and you get goosebumps, it’s connecting with your emotional centres. It may also be connecting with your past.
This goes some way to explaining why music – more than any other medium – is so powerful in evoking memories and nostalgia, and hearing a pop song from decades previous can make us feel like we’re right back in the times and circumstances that we were when we first heard it
A medium that can have this much power over the emotional states of billions of people, is a gift to a malevolent manipulator

One way you can also influence it is through sound waves
There are various different types of soundwaves which are measured by an instrument known as an oscilloscope. This renders the sound in the form of wave patterns on a screen
Besides sine and square waves, there is also what is known as a sawtooth wave, so named because its form appears similar to the jagged teeth of a saw

Now, take a look at the difference
Which wave sounds better?
It’s a very disagreeable sound. It’s almost like the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard

This however is repeatedly used in some concerts at high volumes

Imagine the effect it has on your body and mind
The effect that sound frequencies have on physical objects, (or apparently physical,) is measured through the science of cymatics. It’s frequently demonstrated by spreading sand across a drum, then applying sound
the sand arranges itself into patterns which vary from harmonious to dissonant according to the frequencies involved

This serves as a reminder that certain notes and tones are in synch with the beauty of nature, whereas others are clearly not
Another medium through which cymatics can be measured is water. Many researchers have posited that water has its own consciousness and memory.

@ArchieBrave has one of the most interesting experiments and videos I’ve ever seen on cymatics

You should seriously subscribe to him
Don’t forget that water makes up the vast majority of both the earth’s surface and the human body, so it really ought to be of concern to all

Thank you for reading

See you next time🔥
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