There is an unseen massive world imprinted thousands of times exponentially over the layers of reality that God has granted you a mere smidgen of permission to view, a crack through a doorway. If you could truly, TRULY see all of reality it would astound and terrify you
Color and light is a mere fraction of the full electromagnetic spectrum. So many cones of vision exist beyond the three that the human eye has alloted, tetrachromat reptiles, psychedelic kaliedescope mollusks, landing patterns on flowers for bees, magnetic fields visible to frogs
Beyond the full scope of color on the electromagnetic spectrum, there are properties to the quality and refinement of our senses, dulled by lack of true necessity. Imagine being able to focus your eyes to distant galaxies or to the individual mites on the dead skin of your arm
Such raw constant detail would give you an aneurysm sensory overload, but if you could withstand and adapt to the information bombarding you, you would be able to gather the entire history of the universe just by looking at the patterns of any object you chose.
Further still is the psychospiritual imprint of everything. Several planes of existence and dimensions of reality overlayed upon our own, like animation cells. Your eyes actually do pick these up but your mind chooses to edit this in post production in order to maintain sanity.
Piecing together a series of rapid fire still images bit by bit. Immediately look at an analogue watch, at the second hand. Why does it seem to stay still for longer than a second as soon as you look at it? This is called Chronostasis, your mind processing the 4th dimension
Your brain is nice enough to do this for other dimensions beyond time. Raw vibrant aetherial energy pulses around you. It vibrates and throbs in patterns. Certain drugs lift this veil at great cost to your spirit, soulless AI programs built to interpret images can mirror it.
If enough of these filters get ripped out of your head, you'll start to notice alternate entities that crawl around this world, ghosting through material objects, passing through the ground tangentially, ignoring gravity and context. Like a visual radio station between channels.
Soon you start to realize that distant objects on the horizon, mountainsides, skyscrapers, bridges, forests, all of it is completely two dimensional imagery
Infinitesimally thin flat continent wide planes, optical illusions that materialize inch by inch seamlessly as you approach
Suddenly you realize that everything within your field of view is actually a 42 million mile long object, a stretched out pole of gray matter, cyllindrically shaped as whatever you're looking at. You merely see the painted, textured end of it, its length hidden perfectly behind.
These galaxy long beams of transient matter constantly shift and mesh, holding perfect direct perspective towards you to hide their true nature. You hug your friend, a hole is made just to fit your arm. You enclose a marble in your hand, its extension bends between your fingers.
Further still is the fact that everything you are not looking at disappears out of existence, reappearing instanteously with the turn of your head, the shift of your peripherals. A cone of nothing constantly behind you, following you everywhere you go. Holding strange beings.
Creatures of tremendous proportion float around in the Unrendered that you will never lay eyes upon. They are gargantuan, the size of stars. They shoot out tendrils from millions of miles away, tentacular ropes bespeckled by fractal eyes, stretching into hair width toward you.
Every stray itch, or prickly feeling on the back of your neck is a gentle tickle from these Colossals, a trace sensation from a millisecond of them piercing through your skin and seeping in microscopic Cold Plasma. They are the Architects of every chill down your spine you've had
This is a fraction of what has been hidden from you, a nebula of secrets compressed and displayed before you, the unknowing, unaware, and uninitiated. I could teach you to truly Open your Eyes but you would never dare desire it if you knew what it meant to truly See.
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