If you're just starting off in your career, here are a few pieces of advice that most ppl won't tell you.

1. Don't be afraid to make a lateral move.

Taking a position even though it isn't technically a promotion can be a really smart move for your career yrs down the line.

I've done this twice.

Just gotta have the vision & self-awareness to know what you want to do in the future.
2. Talk to your peers about compensation.

If you learn that you are being significantly underpaid, have an open conversation with your manager about your performance, the value that you've been adding, & compensation.

Come with numbers, research, stats.

I've done this twice.
3. If there is something that you're uniquely good at & there is a gap at your company where nobody is doing it, have a convo with ur manager about doing it for 25% of your time. Show value then up to 50%. You can eventually make it ur FT job.

I created my own role at LinkedIn.
4. Regularly ask for feedback (like weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly).

If your boss gives you the runaround "you're doing great", that's BS. demand for constructive feedback that will make you better.

we can all improve but some managers are too shy to give you the truth.

Make it a goal to meet someone new for lunch, coffee, virtual chat, REGULARLY, like weekly.

Share updates with your network.

Share about your interests.

Be genuine.

Job opportunities will come inbound ur way.
6. If you don't know what you want to do in your career yet, try different things. Take a personal assessment & look at where your interests are. Ask people about their jobs and what they love/hate about them. Take all of these data points & try a role, or a side hustle, or both.
7. Perception = reality.

Even if you're in a junior role, be on top of your work, ask how you can help, show that you're interested in learning, etc.

If people see that you're proactive about your career, they will think more highly of you.

More opportunities will come ur way.
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