Toads like Shapiro, Rubin, and Pool have all spent the last 4 years dismissing criticisms of Trump’s authoritarian tendencies as “orange man bad.” It’s their whole product. It’s what they sell to millions of people looking for that validation each and every day, truth be damned.
If any one of them were to call out Trump’s behavior right now for what it is (an authoritarian, tyrannical attempt to toss thousands of legal ballots and completely circumvent the democratic process), their respective audiences would shrink and wilt away. They would suffer.
So because these fuckin toads just have to see their profits increase, they are doing very real damage on a scale that is incalculable. If one of their followers kidnaps a state elector and executed him on a livestream, not a single one of them would do any soul searching.
I’m so fucking furious with these jokers and the lengths that they’re willing to go to for money and notoriety. They are perfectly content with being soulless pieces of shits and they don’t give a flying fuck one way or the other who they hurt in the process. Fuck them.
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