Someone needs to debunk this b***s*** headline. So here goes:

Right-wing publications are taking the fact that ~800k people got CERB without filing taxes as proof of widespread fraud.

What they fail to mention: you didn’t need to file taxes to be eligible for CERB.

Requirement for CERB: $5,000 income in past 12 months or 2019.

But if you make less than ~$12,000 income, you generally DON’T need to file taxes.

They also fail to mention that CERB launched (April) before the 2019 extended tax filing deadline (June). Which means many got Cerb BEFORE filing taxes.

CERB was a fast-tracked program, eligibility changed over time, and there was widespread confusion about who could apply.

So it’s not a surprise ineligible people got CERB. However, there have been 830,000 VOLUNTARY repayments from ineligible recipients.

In reality, CERB was a massive success.

It prevented econ. collapse by keeping money flowing through households and helped 8.8 million Canadians during a pandemic recession.

It’s also widely popular.

Right-wing media’s attacks on CERB are out of fear. They know CERB is proof that bold government programs work, while showing how austerity and cuts don't work.

So what do they do? They make the entire CERB story about “fraud,” of which there is little to no proof of.

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