"BJP coalition mein hai. Khul ke hai, aagey bhi full-fledged rahengey"


On "Kashmir NC" being different from "Kargil NC", he said, "There (in J&K) they want to make J&K a state and get back Article 370, but it is not the case here. Ladakh is against Article 370." https://twitter.com/ARanganathan72/status/1329476105024069633
It was a hung verdict in 2018, and the NC had an alliance with the Congress. The PDP had 2 councillors and the BJP 1. After the Lok Sabha election last year, NC and Congress alliance brokeup, later 2 PDP councillors joined the saffron party and the NC-BJP alliance was created.
Further, BJP fought elections alone previously and same will be the case for upcoming elections as clarified by @Sanju_Verma_ ji
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