Albeit, I am no Bill Gates but here are few of my predictions too:
1. The airline industry will change dramatically as it will shift to cater to non-business travels primarily. My speculation is - it will again become a thing for the rich with more space and luxury per passenger.
2. The method of teaching and learning will change forever and the traditional concepts of schools and colleges will change. Teaching - Instead of being monologs will become discussion hours wherein the lectures will be delivered to students in advance.
3. Hotel industry will also see a dramatic change, particularly those that survive on business meetings. These hotels will have to reinvent themselves in the next one year and then the new normal will be the norm for years to come till next disruption happens
4. More than ever money will chase software companies and services. This will further disincentivize manufacturing industry. Those nations that will take measures to support manufacturing industries will rule the world 10 years down the line.
5. Healthcare for all will become a reality faster than we had imagined. Tech will play a major role.

Countries that won't invest in necessary infrastructure for enabling telemedicine will continue to suffer.
6. More and more use of telemedicine will result in extraordinary rate of data generation. Analysts of the future will be able to draw strange correlations to predict onset of diseases in individuals.
7. The carbon footprint per capita will go down, particularly in developed nations and thus global warming may slow down.

8. The formal wear industry will suffer and as a result the whole fashion industry may suffer.
9. More people may start to live with parents and thus geriatric support services may not grow at the rate it was predicted.

I will have this tweet pinned so that I can check periodically how stupid my analyses had been 😜😜😜
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