This was good. I continue to find it difficult to understand why this assessment of Trump is not clear to everybody but agree with the need to thread the needle & separate people knowingly enabling his dangerous anti-truth regime & millions of Trump voters. (cont)
I also don't think the IDW is a cohesive thing as it is said to contain people I agree with almost entirely & people I disagree with almost entirely as well as people I like & admire & people I don't. They all need to be responded to as individuals.
I agreed when Sam said that people like AOC genuinely believe half the population are racist & are very confused & we need to separate this from self-interested manipulation & the deliberate spinning of conspiracy theories. However...
I think many people genuinely fear something akin to a Maoist revolution rising & knowingly making a cynical power grab that could actually succeed & see Trump as the only alternative to that.
I am sympathetic to this fear because I also think the CSJ left has much more power & influence than many people, including those who disagree with it, are willing or able to see. I think a genuine attempt at a cultural revolution is happening & it is genuinely dangerous.
Many people voting Trump for fear of this are also genuinely trying to do the most liberal thing but I think they are very misguided & Sam articulated why much better than I have. (I'm allowed to admire Sam for being articulate because he is white).
There is also another kind of Trump voter than I am much less sympathetic to though. These are the ones who accuses everyone who criticises him of having TDS. These are cultists who operate in a very similar way to the Corbynites. No getting through to them. Truth doesn't matter.
These are the ones who are likely to descend on me any minute now and one of the main reasons I can no longer use this Twitter account much. I am failing purity tests on all sides and the hostility I receive here is unmanageable for me now.
Please listen to this podcast. Like Sam, I'm afraid of the great nation that is the USA & its citizens getting buried in an avalanche of bullshit from the Right but also ideological zealotry from the Left & losing its vital norms & expectations of truth, integrity & reason.
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