thinking about the PB librarian and my fellow white librarians feeling shock, not at the idea of a fascist in LIS, but the fact that their FRIEND became one, and I want to say: I think it is long past time for us to be shocked at how white supremacy functions.
first off I know every single one of us knows a nice liberal white librarian whom we wouldnt be surprised to find out is racist, or at least is performing their nice white liberal-ness for cookies. why would this be any less true with someone yall describe as a "Good Old Boy"????
why do you think BIPOC librarians express over and over and over how little they trust us? THEY know that white supremacist poison lurks among us in all sorts of ways, and we tolerate it
part of that tolerance is this myth that somehow WE are the immune ones, that we and our white friends are somehow fine and good, that radicalization happens at some fixed point that can be seen by all instead of being omnipresent in a culture that we are all steeped in
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