How common is it these days for state politicians to travel ALL OVER THEIR STATES — even to the most remote areas — when they run for office?

@BobFergusonAG says the political independence of his office is “critically important” to him.

Does that make a difference?

Should it?
@AGOWA has sued the Trump Administration a whopping 82 times—winning 35/37 decided cases.

So he got plenty of questions.

“And look—some folks agree with what I’m doing, some disagree, but I’m hearing their questions, I’m hearing their concerns, were having frank conversations.”
“I’m not suggesting we’re necessarily changing anyone’s minds, but I am convinced: I come out of that experience as a better elected official. No doubt about that,” @BobFergusonAG said...

(This starts right around the 9:00 in the video of my conversation with him) ⬆️
“...And I hope that others realize, ‘Oh wait a second, maybe there’s a rationale for why this Ferguson guy is filing that lawsuit against a president I happen to support.’” - @BobFergusonAG
A bit later I asked him (starting at 13:04) “What do you say to any of the 1,500,000 or so Washingtonians who voted for Trump and who might feel like your opposition [to the Trump Administration] is an opposition to them and their concerns and values?”

@BobFergusonAG said:
“When I go to every rotary club in the state, this comes up a lot. ‘Bob, why do you file so many lawsuits against the president?’

“I understand those lawsuits in particular, people have strong views about. I hear the letters and emails into my office, I get that.”...
“What I would say is, one, judge me and my office by my results. We’ve won 95% of our cases.

“And what I try to do is turn the question around. Wait a second, why can’t this administration... do a better job of following the law? That is their job, right?”
“Number 2 what I would say to them is, while this work we do against the federal government is obviously high profile, it is a fraction of the work we do in our office.”...
“So whenever I speak at those rotary clubs, I don’t lead with the Trump litigation.

“I’ll talk for example about litigation we have against opioid distributors and their illegal conduct that has fueled an epidemic in our state.”
It was a fascinating conversation.

And it makes me think: How are journalists leading OUR stories about the country right now?

Are we speaking to all our communities’ concerns, or, mostly, to the ones that reflect and resemble our own?

How well are we even listening?
How common is it these days for journalists to travel ALL OVER THEIR COMMUNITIES — even to the most remote areas — when they take on the power and responsibility that comes with telling our stories?
You can follow @moniguzman.
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